It’s Awards Season

Ahh, awards season. Always so fun and unpredictable. I watched the Golden Globes a few weeks back, sitting on the edge of my seat, waiting for Ricky Gervais to do something shocking, and was hopelessly disappointed.  Then it was onto the Grammys, and the antics of big haired twangy, country singers both male and female,  followed up by the flying pink haired Minaj girl having a Cirque de Soleil style exorcism.  Once again – disappointing.

But nothing prepared me for the surprising event of this past weekend, when I was nominated for an award in my own right!  A “Versatile Blogger Award”.  Well, you could have knocked me over with a feather.  I pulled a complete Taylor Swift, all wide-eyed and open-mouth flustered.  Luckily there was no access to a microphone, because I can be quite wordy in my speechlessness (I am the queen of the 1,000+ word post). Suffice it to say that they would have turned off my mike and turned the lights off, and had the band start up just for good measure.

I’ve been called lots of things in my time, but I like “versatile” a lot.  It reminds me of an old Rosalind Russell movie with a child star Natalie Wood in it where she sang “Let me entertain you, let me make you smile” …. and then the last line of the song was “I’m very versatile”.  I’m leaving out key details, like the fact that the movie was about a stripper named Gypsy Rose Lee … but that’s neither here nor there.

It seems I was nominated by the lovely and talented Jonesingafter40 , a lady after my own heart, with whom I have at least two things in common – our firstborn offspring just happened to be dogs, and we both began something monumental when we turned 40.

So without further ado … let me get on with the responsibilities of the honor.  This tiara weighs heavy on my head.

PART # 1 –  I have to tell you seven things about myself.

  1. I started my university studies when I was 40, and graduated the year I turned 50. I have remained 50 for all the years since.
  2. I’m a stress baker.
  3. I have great posture, but it’s fake, because I have stainless steel rods in my back, from a scoliosis surgery when I was 15.  .
  4. I am a compulsive proofreader, and grammar corrector.  (Note – corrector is not a word.  I would have corrected that.)
  5. My dad was 20 years older than my mom.
  6. The last thing I won (besides arguments) was a joke telling contest at a comedy night in a bar.
  7. Erma Bombeck was my hero.

PART # 2 –  I get to tell you about 15 other bloggers that I enjoy.  They are clever and witty and make me wish I thought of that …

  1. becomingcliche
  2. randombraincells
  3. year-struck
  4. ashleygillian
  5. whatImeanttosay
  6. imonthebandwagon
  7. ramblingsandrumblings
  8. ohmygawdjustdowhatisay
  9. randomreasoning
  10. hyperboleandahalf
  11. crabbyoldfart
  12. formerlyhot
  13. lesleycarter
  14. emjayandthem
  15. theuglymoose

Sincere thanks for the nomination. I’m always surprised when people I’m not related to, read my stuff of their own free will.

I do hope this tiara doesn’t make me look fat.


Filed under Humor

14 responses to “It’s Awards Season

  1. Congrats on you award! I’m intrigued by the idea of stress baking.


  2. I was excited to see you nominated me for the Versatile Blogger. I’m not sure where my tiara is. Someone (most certainly a relative) mentioned Erma Bombeck came to mind when reading my blog, so I downloaded a book by her on my Kindle. She is funny. Things have changed a lot since she wrote but the humor holds up.
    Thanks again and, hey, a big congratulations to you.


  3. Dee

    Congrats KB! You’re always a winner to me!
    (P.S. I doubled checked my spelling to make sure I didn’t inadvertently type wiener! )


  4. Jonesingafter40

    I heart Erma too! I like your idea bout remaining 50 for all your remaining years. I think I’ll stick with 40 for the rest of mine!! Congrats on your much deserved reward!


  5. Heather

    The tiara fits you to a tee!


  6. Thank you very much!! MUAH!


  7. I must thank you profusely for nominating me! What a thrill! I must, also, admit I am a dreadful spaz when it comes to posting this award to my blog and following the rules page. Would you be so kind to show me? Lisa Clark also nominated me a while back and I never could get wrap my brain around how to accept and pass it on. 🙂


    • Hi Carla!
      To tell you the truth I wasn’t sure either… so hopefully I did it right! I checked out the rules at which told me that I needed to do a post and include a link to the person’s blog who nominated me, and that I should tell 7 things about myself. Next I was to nominate 15 bloggers that I think are good, and list them in my post. Then I was to let them all know that I had nominated them, which I did by commenting on their About page, and also include a link to the rules.
      They have images of the logo on the VBA website as well, that you can add to your site.
      Thanks and good luck!!


  8. Heather

    You deserve it!!!! Congrats, I always enjoy reading your post. One day soon we’ll hook up.


  9. Pingback: Rich is my New Best Friend « whatimeant2say

  10. Dee Dee

    Congratulations Karen! How exciting. So funny AND dignified.
    No doubt you’ll soon have your own show, just like Oprah, except YOU will wear the tiara. Blog on.


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